As most the organizations expand they need to transfer assets from one location to another and from this location to a third location and it is possible that the organization looses track of the asset. Further in a multi locations plants it is possible that certain machineries required for a particular are available at another plant. But due to non-availability data new machineries are procured. Also the Companys' Act, 1956 mandates Statutory Auditors to report on the physical verification of assets by the management. These we believe are non-strategic activities and are also once in a year kind of activities. We offer to undertake asset-mapping activities with our Trained and Qualified staff across the country.
Asset mapping serves a number of purposes like -
- Physical asset verification, creation of fixed asset listings and ongoing fixed asset updating.
- Collection of techno-commercial data of individual assets and recording
- Private treaty sales
- Assets classification into various categories considering criticality, importance, usage and other factors.
- Valuation all of movable and immovable assets
- Customized barcode inventory control, asset tracking etc